Project Jonah exists for one simple reason.
Helping marine mammals.
Our vision is to create a world where these animals are respected & protected.
Project Jonah is made up of everyday Kiwis who have given up their time to volunteer with us. Together we aim to protect & help marine mammals through our rescue, action & protection programs. Whether it is through picking up litter on our beaches or getting hands on in rescuing stranded whales, our volunteers all do their part.
We deliver essential first aid to stranded or injured animals via our nationwide network of trained and passionate Marine Mammal Medics.
Through our public education & awareness campaigns we inform & educate people & encourage them to get involved.
We act as a watchdog to expose marine mammal suffering & help create & enforce laws that will protect these animals.
Together we will take action to protect these animals & the oceans they call home.
Find out how you can help.
Marine Mammal
Medic Courses
Saving whales isn’t as easy as it looks. Join our network of trained volunteers and become a Marine Mammal Medic today.

Long-finned pilot whales in Aotearoa, New Zealand: Their presence, loyalty to specific sites, and photo identification